Port Erin Commissioners has resolved to relax some of the
temporary parking suspension around the retail area which was put in place to
assist with social distancing.
At its meeting on 2 June 2020, the Board agreed to remove
some of the temporary parking restrictions in some but not all areas. The changes, which were implemented at 9am this morning, have freed off an additional 24 parking spaces around the main retail area of Port
Erin, with only 7 places with remaining under the temporary parking
Making this decision, the Board was mindful of the current
Government guidelines, recommendations and social distancing requirements
whilst balancing this with views of the businesses and an increase of 50% in footfall in the area since non-essential retail outlets reopened.
Three pedestrian refuge areas have been placed along Church
Road to provide a safe shopping experience with passing places within the
narrow footpath areas. The 4 spaces in front of the Co-op remain closed off due
to the queuing and higher footfall in this area of Station Road.
All retailers remain responsible for ensuring safe social
distancing guidelines are being adhered to and members of the public are
advised to ensure that the latest Government guidelines and restrictions are
adhered to.
Drivers parking in the retail area are politely requested to
observe all parking restrictions and cones, ensuring when they step out of
their vehicles that they will still be observing social distancing, refrain
from using the loading bays and reminded that only blue badge holders are
permitted to use the disabled bays. Parking enforcement remains in effect in
these areas.
Business owners are also reminded that there is long stay
parking available for those working in the retail outlets available at the
Station Road car park, Bridson Street and the Promenade (beyond St Catherine’s
Church) and the surrounding area which will allow more parking spaces for
customers within the retail area.
The Board of Port Erin Commissioners continue to monitor the
situation and review weekly and as Government guidelines change, hope to be in
a position to remove more, if not all, of the remaining parking restrictions as
and when possible.
News release 3 June 2020