Bringing the Port Erin beach experience to Southlands residents |
Port Erin Commissioners has submitted a planning application (22/00889/B) to locate two beach huts at Southlands Resource Centre. In conjunction with Port Erin Beach Huts and Southlands Resource Centre, the proposal is to locate two of the beach huts normally seen on Port Erin beach, to the Southlands Resource Centre between the months of November and March each year to allow residents of Southlands to enjoy. The proposal arose following discussions during the Covid pandemic regarding how the lockdowns had significantly impacted both the residents and their families. With the support of Port Erin Beach Huts, the opportunity of bringing a small aspect of the beach to the residents of Southlands to enjoy, who would not ordinarily be able to access the beach was warmly welcomed by all. Rebecca Dooley, Manager of Southlands commented, “We were really excited at the suggestion of bringing Port Erin beach to the residents. The Covid pandemic has been especially hard on the residents of Southlands and their families, so when the opportunity of making use of the beach huts was suggested, this was a fantastic boost. The kind offer from Port Erin Beach Huts will have such a positive impact for our residents.”
Added 3 August 2022