Consultation on Port Erin Dog Control Byelaws 2023 - CLOSED |
Port Erin Commissioners Draft Port Erin Dog Control Byelaws 2023 Public Consultation 20 July 2023 to 31 August 2023 Port Erin Commissioners hereby gives notice that it has prepared draft dog control byelaws following liaison with the Department of Infrastructure Local Government Unit and the Attorney General’s Chambers. The Commission now seeks the views of the population of Port Erin on the draft byelaws which are due to be brought before Tynwald in due course. Copies of the draft Byelaws are available to view as follows: - - The Commissioners website www.porterin.gov.im/consultation
- In person at the Commissioners’ Office, Bridson Street, Port Erin, IM9 6AN between 10:00 and 16:30 on Monday, 09:00 to 17:00 on Tuesday to Thursday and 09:00 to 16:30 on Friday.
- Copies can also be requested and sent by post or email by contacting the Commissioners’ Office.
- The Commissioners will consider any submissions made in writing regarding the byelaws no later than 12.00pm on Thursday 31 August 2023.
Submissions should be clearly marked with the title “Port Erin Dog Control Byelaws 2023” and sent for the attention of: Mr J M Roberts Clerk to Port Erin Commissioners Bridson Street Port Erin IM9 6AN Or by email to clerk@porterin.gov.im View the previous Port Erin Dog Control Byelaws HERE. View the Draft Port Erin Dog Control Byelaws 2023 HERE. Added 20 July 2023