Port Erin Commisisoners will mark Armistice Day, this Friday 11th November, with maroons sounding at the start and end of the two minutes silence.
Board members of Port Erin Commissioners will be attending the Remembrance Day service at Rushen Parish Church (Kirk Christ) on Sunday 13th November. The service will begin at 10.45am. All are welcome to join in this Act of Remembrance. This is a well attended service so do arrive in good time.
Notice is hereby given that an election of ONE member of the Commissioners of the Village District of Port Erin for the period to 30th April 2020 will be held on TUESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2016.
From Monday 12th September applicants seeking Public Sector Housing in the south of the island will have access to a much wider choice of properties than ever before as a Combined Housing Waiting List for the Southern Region is launched.
Notice is hereby given that an election of ONE member of the Commissioners of the Village District of Port Erin for the period to 30th April 2020 will be held on TUESDAY 4TH OCTOBER 2016.
What recreational facilities would you like to see considered at Ballakilley?
The choice is certainly not limited to those contained within the article and any suggestions from organisations, groups or individuals will be considered.