Refuse Services - FAQ |
Frequently Asked QuestionsFor your assistance, please see below for frequently asked questions with regard to the Authority's Refuse Collection Service. My bin hasn't been emptied? We aim to complete all our designated rounds on a given day of the week, usually at the same time. However, there are occasions when this will differ. We say collection on a day rather than a morning or afternoon which allows a degree of flexibility in the programme to cover operational difficulties which can occur from time to time. If your bin has not been collected by the end of your normal collection day, please contact the Commissioners' Office, Telephone (01624) 832298. Why does my bin have to be at the edge of my property with handles pointing outwards? Our collection services will take a bin from the edge of your property to the refuse vehicle, empty it and return the bin to its pick up point on your property. To avoid any accidental damage to your property or possessions, we will not go onto your property. If you have to leave your bin on a public footpath for any reason, please make sure that it is removed back inside your property boundary as soon as possible after collection. Why won't the binmen take black bags? A standard household wheeled bin will hold 240 litres of domestic refuse, which has been calculated as sufficient to take two weeks worth of normal household refuse. The binmen are instructed not to take black bags left alongside as there have been a number of instances in the last two years where they have picked up a bag only to find that it contained broken glass, leaving them with badly cut hands. To avoid these injuries, we will not take refuse that is not in the bin. You may wish to consider reducing the contents of your bin by using the recycling sites located in the Village for some of your waste. Why did the binmen leave my bin? There may be a number of reasons why the binmen left your bin. Common reasons include it containing waste that would cause our load to be rejected at the Energy from Waste Plant, or that it was not at the edge of your property. If your bin has not been emptied, please contact the Commissioners' Office on Telephone (01624) 832298 for further advice. My bin is too difficult for me to move now? If you are unable to move your wheelie bin through reasons of health or infirmity, we can assist you as part of our collection service. Please contact the Commissioners' Office on Telephone (01624) 832298 for further information. Can I have a bigger bin? A standard household wheeled bin will hold 240 litres of domestic refuse, and should be large enough to take over a weeks worth of normal household refuse. If you find that it is not sufficient, have you considered recycling some of your waste through either the local sites in the village or the Southern Civic Amenity Site at Castletown Road in Port St Mary? If you recycle as much as possible, and are still having difficulties, please contact the Commissioners' Office on Telephone (01624) 832298 for a further discussion of your needs. Are you weighing my bin now? The short answer is “No”. Our collection vehicle is not fitted with weighing equipment, but this can be retro fitted to allow us to register the weight of every bin collected. We are also not at present recording data against individual addresses as a matter of course, although this may change if it becomes policy to charge individual households for collected weight. How do I know how heavy it is? It is difficult to give any hard and fast rule regarding how heavy your bin is, but the average weekly weight for a standard refuse bin is 20.75 kg (approximately 45.5 lbs). This equates to just over 1 tonne of waste per household per year. The more you can recycle, especially glass, paper and grass cuttings, is the lighter your bin will be. This will be to your advantage if charging by weight is introduced. My bin is broken, so can I have a new one? Bins damaged through fair wear and tear will be replaced free of charge by the Commissioners. Please contact the Commissioners' Office on Telephone (01624) 832298. My bin has gone—what do I do? Please contact the Commissioners' Office on Telephone (01624) 832298.